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Dedicated to Teachers


Heinemann Authors at Literacy for All

Heinemann is a proud sponsor of the 2021 Literacy for All Conference. Check out this blog for a complete list of the Heinemann authors presenting this year.  (continue reading)

Using Digital Mentor Texts to Scaffold Writers

Dedicating a section of the classroom library to mentor texts gives students the opportunity to access and choose the mentor texts that work best for them.  (continue reading)

Building Your Virtual Bookroom

Clare Landrigan shares her template for a virtual classroom library, and shows you how to start digitally curating books for your students.  (continue reading)

PLC Series: Reach Goals for Literacy Instruction

The PLC series continues with ways to reach literacy goals of increased reading access to books, and time spent reading and writing.  (continue reading)

Is Your Classroom Library Meeting the Needs of Your Students?

This past year I engaged in an informal teacher-researcher project focused on an unrelenting question in my mind about the range of text complexity in elementary classroom libraries.  (continue reading)

It's All About the Series: Staying Up to Date on New Series Books to Appeal to ALL Readers

There is a power to series books, and they should have a prominent space in our bookrooms and classroom libraries. Here are a bunch of new ways to hook those series readers in your classroom!  (continue reading)

Give Your Classroom Library a Spring Refresh!

Just think how excited your students will be to see new books in the library. It adds a new spark and energy to reader’s workshop! Spring is around the corner!  (continue reading)

Three Small Moves That Make A Big Impact

The classroom library is the home of a class’ reading community. Like any remodeling project, it is best to make a plan that is real but achievable for the situation at hand. We always advise not to take on more than you can finish in the amount of time you have to do it.  (continue reading)

Are Books a Line Item in Your Budget?

Developing lifelong reading begins with books and we, as educators, have the power to make a school’s book supply seem endless in the eyes of its readers.  (continue reading)

When It Comes to Assessing Readers, It's All About the Books!

We can all agree that in the life of a reader, the right book at the right time makes all the difference. But how do we know which book? What time is the right time? How do we assess both a reader’s growth and identity? How do we fit it all in?  (continue reading)

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