Topic: Mathematics

Five Questions for Sue O Connell HML

How can you as a math coach meet the varied needs of elementary math teachers? What are some critical actions that support your goals? Consider the following:

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Heinemann Fellow Marian Dingle is joined on the podcast by Dr. Toya Jones Frank of George Mason University!

Motivated Audio Book Blog

Heinemann is pleased to announce the latest addition to our growing line of audiobooks, Motivated by Ilana Seidel Horn!

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Today on the podcast, we're handing things over to Heinemann Fellow Marian Dingle.

Steve Leinwand Podcast

Today on the Heinemann podcast we’re speaking with author Steve Leinwand. Steve’s work revolves around fostering authentic math fluency in students.

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Today on the podcast we’re joined by Amy Lucenta and Grace Kelemanik. Amy and Grace are co-authors of Routines for Reasoning: Fostering the Mathematical Practices in All Students.

On the Podcast

We confer with our students in reading and writing, but why isn’t it as common in math?

Sue O Connell Math Podcast

Today on the podcast we’re speaking with author Sue O’Connell about some key ways to build math fluency.

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Teachers play a vital role in building students’ number sense and fluency with number combinations.

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Meaningful and effective learning of number facts involves three phases. Let's consider each in turn.

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Learning these facts is not about rote memorization. Seeing and using patterns, and building relationships, can free children’s cognitive resources to be used in other tasks.


What does it really take to help students learn their math facts in ways that allow them to access and use these facts fluently and flexibly to solve rich and challenging math problems?

Blog Header On Demand February

The more opportunities students have to practice using the language of mathematics through conversation, the deeper their understanding will be. As students engage in brief discussion, they have the chance to hear and practice providing explanations, multiple representations, and solutions.

Inthe Moment Blog2

Conferring is built on learning what students are doing and how they are thinking. In the first stage of a math conference, the teachers looks, listens, and asks with the goal of building an interpretation of student thinking.

In The Moment Podcast Blog

How does a conference work? What do teachers think about? What do they say? A conference is not simply a venue for students to report on their thinking. A conference is a shared opportunity for teachers and students to learn together in the moment.

Numerical Fluency Blog5

Whether before school, embedded in the school day, after school, or at home, games offer engaging, active learning, and meaningful math practice. Here are some quick tips for successfully implementing math games!

In The Moment 2

Struggle is how we learn. Rich tasks provoke productive struggle, during which students actively struggle through a problem as they work to make sense of it.

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Understanding what the whole is, what the parts are, how they are related, and what might be missing in a particular problem are all critical aspects of numerical fluency.