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Dedicated to Teachers

9 Beliefs for Building a Mathematical Community


As teachers, we must cultivate the structures and beliefs in a classroom community that lay the foundation for the mathematical growth of our students. We must create a kind, caring, trusting community  of learners who feel comfortable tackling the unknown, taking risks, and making mistakes.- Rozlynn Dance and Tessa Kaplan in Thinking Together: 9 Beliefs for Building a Mathematical Community 

To help build a community of mathematical growth in every classroom,  we've created a set of posters, based on the nine key beliefs outlined in Thinking Together.


The set of nine posters can be mixed and matched to however best suits your classroom, and is available online for free as a PDF download.

Download the full set of posters

To learn more about Thinking Together, visit heinemann.com


Topics: Mathematics, Thinking Together, Rozlynn Dance, Tessa Kaplan

Date Published: 03/28/18

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