Topic: Math

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Teaching questioning skills is not an easy process. It involves patience, scaffolding, and focused instruction. Asking a question is not something that a lot of our students know how to do innately, especially at the primary level.

Blog working with0teachers and principals as a coach

I recently received this question about coaching on my website: Is it the coach's responsibility to report the teachers' flaws to the principal?

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Contexts for Learning Math: Hear Cathy Fosnot speak near you

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But what really mattered was watching how these math visuals worked in my own classroom with my own students. So, don’t take my word for it . . .

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Math in Practice lead author Sue O'Connell hosted aTwitter chat in order to open up the discussion on math homework. Follow along here.

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Confronting Shame In The Math Classroom

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Fostering Belongingness to Support Student Participation

Today on the podcast Ilana Seidel Horn talks about her new book Motivated

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The 5 Features of a Motivated Classroom

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How Do I Use Math In Practice With Other Math Programs?

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What is Cognitively Guided Instruction?

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What is Math in Practice?

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What Does the Research Say about Lecture-Only Teaching?

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Spring 2017 round up of Heinemann podcasts.

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Tom Newkirk: On Writing Embarrassment—An Interview with Myself

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Heinemann Fellow Katie Charner-Laird on Empowering Choice in a Math Workshop

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How Reading and Writing Workshop Can Support STEM Learning

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What is Student-Directed Inquiry?