Topic: Harvey "Smokey" Daniels

PLC Banner 610x280 Series FIN d 5

PLC Series: Listening as a Teaching Move

Upstanders Book Study 1080 R2 300x300 5

Facebook Groups for PD: New Book Study!

PLC Email Banner 640x220 White FIN jpg 4

October Round-Up of the PLC series.

Tandl june 7 6

The work of students should be honored and activities in the classroom should reflect that.

Textand Lessons MG5 D6561 7

Reading competes with so many things for kids' attention these days...

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Yes, of course we want students to be able to write cogent arguments, expositions, and narratives, but where in the Standards is the route that leads to this sophisticated writing?

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Content-area teachers, rejoice once again: Nancy Steineke and Harvey "Smokey" Daniels bring you the companion volume to their ever popular Texts & Lessons for Content-Area Reading

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Content-area teachers, rejoice once again: Harvey “Smokey” Daniels and Nancy Steineke bring you the companion volume to their ever popular Texts & Lessons for Content-Area Reading

Big Details SM 3 H6 A9473 7

Smokey Daniels On The New Big Book Of Details

Santa Fe Twitter Chat 600x300 FIN jpg 6

Inquiry In Action Twitter Chat

Amplify cover 6

Out This Week: Amplify—Digital Teaching and Learning in the K-5 Classroom

Onlineplcfront 6

Online PLC: Building A Community of Learners

Tip App Head 7

Recent Tips From the Heinemann Teacher Tip App

Com Collab 7

How To Access Comprehension and Collaboration's Online Companion Resources

Sharvey final video 6

What's New In This Edition: Technology's Role

Steph makeinquiry work 6

How Steph and Smokey Help You Make Inquiry Work

Sharvey whynow 7

Why Now Is The Time For Inquiry

Smokey small grps top 7

Small Groups That Really Work