Topic: Writing

Supporting struggling learners

We want to use authentic instructional moves that offer support to all learners across the day. Here are three moves that will ensure all learners have choices and opportunities...

BTC Blog One

Understanding the importance of Sentence Focus can free you from some of your greatest anxieties, both about your students’ abilities and your own.

Craft Process Glover Blog Two

To support children in becoming strong, confident writers, we need to engage them in different types of meaningful studies within and across grade levels.

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Narrative plays a bigger role in how we communicate than we give it credit for...

Bleding Choice and Craft Young Woman Writing

When students are provided opportunities to pursue writing in genres of their choice their engagement increases, which is a baseline requirement for a successful and joyful writing life.

Focus Lessons Blog

Today on the podcast we’re examining the relationship between photography and writing.


When writing nonfiction, we have the whole gamut of narrative techniques at our disposal, but we aren’t just telling a story.

Between The Commas Blog One

The ability to manipulate phrase and clause structures is the very essence of what makes a skilled, confident writer.

BTC Blog One

How do you feel about grammar? For many of us, it was a frustrating exercise that kept writing inaccessible.

Focus Lessons PS Header

Comparing a writer’s notebook to a collection strikes a chord with kids, many of whom are collectors themselves.

Examining the How and Why in Writing 1

As they read, it’s important for students to get in the habit of asking not what, what, what, but why and how...

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Today on the podcast, we're handing the podcast over to Heinemann Fellow Brian Melton...

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This week on the Heinemann Podcast, Katherine Bomer speaks about her development as a writer and educator.

Focus Lessons PS Header

Photography can illuminate the craft of writing and help us understand it in a whole new way!

Hidden Gems Promo Pic

We truly want the best for our student writers, and we do not want them to be judged for any perceived lack of intelligence about “correctness” in writing.

Teaching Writersto Reflect edit

When we say we teach students to remember, we mean we support students as they recall and retell—with specificity—what happened in their writing practice.

Burke Writing Assignments Two

To foster a conversation and culture of collaboration, it is vital that assignments not be treated as though they were written in stone. How could they be when the kids and conditions we work with change so much each year?

Teaching Writers Reflect Image One

When student writers know how to reflect, they know how to learn from their writing experiences. It’s one thing to experience something, but if the experience is then forgotten or not connected in any direct way to other experiences, how is it useful?