Topic: Writing

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As students move up the grades and further in their history educations, they will be expected to write about it in increasingly sophisticated ways.

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It may seem strange to think about cultivating focus. Although natural abilities can vary, focus can be improved, cultivated, and taught.

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Because of the myriad ways writing workshop and oral language development are linked, it’s hard to tell where one ends and the other begins.

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Tom Newkirk was recently featured in a 207 TV Interview on his book Embarrassment.

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New York Times, Best-selling author Jennifer Serravallo talks about her new on-demand course: Strategies in Action: Reading and Writing Methods and Content.

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Experience is what matters. Experience may be the best teacher, but does it get in the way of some of the best teaching?

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Once we can get past the idea that poems are in their own little word, they open up a world of possibilities in the classroom.

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Remembering Dr. Rozlyn Linder

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Reading and writing can be powerful tools for agency and liberation, which is why making sure our practices are grounded in inclusion is so important.

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Let’s talk about Texas Chainsaw Massacre-style cuts – hacking off large sections of your manuscript to make it better. How do you know where to begin?

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Information writing is one of those topics that can seem, on the outset, rather dull. It doesn't have to be that way. Here's how.

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Students write for the same reason that Pac-Man munches: to accumulate points. Writers are people, not Pac-Mans.

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Research is important throughout the entire writing process, and it can be fun, too. Give it a try in your own writing instruction. Here's how.

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Good news: if you feel like you’re bashing your head into a brick wall as you try to make assessment work for you, take heart. It’s not you.

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For a variety of reasons, expressing understanding is hard for many struggling learners.

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When we write, we nudge change. How can we be helping students bring beliefs into writing? Here are some resources to get you started.

I know why so many teachers leave the profession in their first five years. The Blahs. For me, the Blahs come in October.

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When we have a mindset that trusts that all students can grow, we can move struggling learners to a place of great joy and success.