Topic: Writing

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Writing Masters: Conferring with Students Across the Writing Process

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Online PLC: "The Comeback Kids" by George Shea

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Linda Hoyt introduces us to Power Writes, an effective classroom writing exercise.

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Online PLC: Building A Community of Learners

Kylene bob rnf2 7

Reading Nonfiction: How Teaching Nonfiction Differs From Teaching Literature

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Writing Masters: Using Mentor Texts With Young Writers

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Writing Masters: Engaging The Unengaged Writer With Carol Jago

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Reading Nonfiction: Different Demands of Readers

Atwell live 7

Nancie Atwell's Talk With Teach For All - Live-Tweet Archive

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Writing Masters: Keeping A Writer's Notebook with Ralph Fletcher

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Writing Masters: Planning is the Key to Successful Writing with Laura Robb

Reading UO Svids 7

Wondering how to get started with the Units of Study for Teaching Reading and Writing? Looking for a refresher on the Units of Study as you head into a new year? Here you can access (free!) orientation videos featuring Lucy Calkins and her Units of Study coauthors.

Writers AR Ereaders 15

Writers ARE Readers: Melding the Writing and Reading Workshops

Writers AR Ereaders 15

Writers ARE Readers: How "Flipsides" Provide Insight Into Students' Reading and Writing

Wwm cover top 7

Allison Marchetti and Rebekah O’Dell argue that the best mentor texts come from current material.

Cruz blogtop 6

Get In Touch With Your Younger Self In Writing

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Science Notebooks: An Interview with Authors Lori Fulton and Brian Campbell

Boothbay25 6

Heinemann’s 8th Annual Boothbay Literacy Retreat led by authors Kylene Beers and Bob Probst - Day Five