Topic: Video

E08879 Gabriel and Woulfin Bookcover 0386 7

Creating Empowered Teacher and Evaluator Relationships

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A video of Kristine Mraz on how to utilize charts to set writing goals.

MIP 2017 Email Banner 1 15

A Great Summer School Fit: Math in Practice

STEM 1080x1080 FB 3 1024x1024 5

Connecting the What and How of STEM Learning

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PLC Series: Sketchnoting

Mentors cover1 7

How Our Book Provides an Approach for Teachers

Sm E08774 Bang Jensen and Lubkowitz Bookcover MG5 D7268 1024x682 5

The Challenge of Teaching Science in Elementary School and How Sharing Books, Talking Science Can Help

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PLC Series: February Round-Up

Sm E08775 Moses and Ogden Book Cover 7317 1024x682 5

Teaching Scientific Concepts Through Children's Literature

Mentors cover1 7

Coauthors Marchetti and O'Dell dive into the necessity of timely mentor texts to engage students beyond the writing classroom.

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PLC Series: How Mentor Texts Engage Secondary Students Through Play

Serravallo Writing Strategies 2017 MG5 D5758 jpg 1024x682 5

Teaching Toward the Goal: Using The Writing Strategies Book to Support Learning

Argument in the real world MG5 D7729 683x1024 5

Teaching Beyond The Re-tweet: Digital Argument Instruction for Real World Literacy

Choice Time MG5 D9012 1024x682 5

Choice Time and Student Agency

Serravallo Writing Strategies 2017 MG5 D5786 jpg 1024x682 5

Jennifer Serravallo Hosts Writing Strategies Book Talk on Facebook Live

Making the Journey SM MG5 D3541 1024x683 5

The Real Challenge of the Teaching Journey

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Learn about the science behind integrating play into the classroom in this PLC Series post.

Choice Time MG5 D9022 2 1024x682 5

The Importance of Choice Time Play