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Dedicated to Teachers


Heinemann Professional Books Publishing in 2024

The list of forthcoming Heinemann professional books in 2024.  (continue reading)

Reflections on Learning: Multilingual Learners

What myth about multilingual learners do you most want to bust, and what truth would you like to replace it with?  (continue reading)

PLC Series: Focus on the Strengths of Your ELs

In this PLC series, we examine ways to make our literary classroom practices inclusive for English Language Learners.  (continue reading)

How to Set Up Reading Partnerships to Maximize Literacy Learning in Your Classroom

How to Set Up Reading Partnerships to Maximize Literacy Learning in Your Classroom  (continue reading)

Fostering Independence and the Progression Of Literacy Development

Fostering Independence and the Progression Of Literacy Development  (continue reading)

Your One Stop Shop for Recent Podcast Highlights

Spring 2017 round up of Heinemann podcasts.  (continue reading)

How to Support Student "Book Shopping" in Your Classroom

How to Support Student "Book Shopping" in Your Classroom  (continue reading)

On the Podcast: What Are the Rest of My Kids Doing?

Today on the Podcast, Lindsey Moses and Meridith Ogden talk about their book What Are the Rest of My Kids Doing?  (continue reading)

Five Research-Based Principles for Fostering Independence in Literacy

Five Research-Based Principles for Fostering Independence in Literacy  (continue reading)

The Big 5: Lindsey Moses on the Books That Most Influenced Her Teaching Practice

The Big 5: Lindsey Moses on the Books That Most Influenced Her Teaching Practice  (continue reading)

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