Topic: Foundations

SXP 2023 Foundational Skills Blog

Saxon Phonics and Spelling primarily focuses on teaching phonemic awareness, phonics, and fluency while building children’s decoding skills.

UOSW 2023 6 New Tools Blog 1

Here are six tools you can slowly introduce into your classroom writing center to support student independence.

GR2e 2023 Blog1 Benefits GR

Guided reading nurtures strong readers and plays a pivotal role in helping young learners become confident and capable readers.

SPR23 PD Blog Head ITQ FS

Decoding “big words” is absolutely pivotal to reading and comprehending text. You cannot become a successful reader if you cannot decode multisyllabic words.

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Grant Assistance: Bobcats Charitable Foundation (Charlotte, NC Area Only)

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Grant Assistance: Voya Unsung Heroes

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Grant Assistance: Michael & Susan Dell Foundation

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Grant Assistance: The Edward Ford Foundation

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Grant Assistance: The Dew Foundation

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Grant Assistance: Charles Stewart Mott and Chichester DuPont

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Grant Assistance: Sony Corp.

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Resource Support Team: Dr. Katie Fradley on The Benchmark Assessment System

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Grant Assistance: Waipahu Community Foundation and Travelers Insurance Grants

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Resource Support Team: Sara Baker on Leveled Literacy Instruction

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Grant Assistance: Build-A-Bear Foundation & Claneil Foundation Special Project Fund

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Grant Assistance: The Global Teacher Prize

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Grant Assistance: NEA Foundation

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Grant Assistance: Department of Education and Teacher Planet