Heinemann Blog

Thought leadership supporting the latest innovations in K-12 education.

Why Independent Reading is Exactly What Students Need Right Now BLUE DS

As you make plans for future instruction, build in time for independent reading first. Learn why from the authors of Trusting Readers.

Celebrate World Read Aloud Day with Heinemann Audiobooks

Heinemann authors are exemplary educators eager to support the practice of other teachers. Allow yourself the enjoyment and benefits of being read to -- by them.

Teaching For Thinking Podcast One

Teaching students to think and reason mathematically is sometimes a challenge. This is where instructional routines come in.

Cultivating a Growth Mindset When Working with Grieving Students FL x 1

How might a growth mindset guide us in grief work at school, especially when we are experiencing vicarious trauma or grief? A blog post from Brittany Collins.

2022 PD Consult A Us Blog 1 1200x628

Meet a few more of our Heinemann virtual consulting authors and invite to your school to expand your professional development.


In this audiobook preview, Tom describes the vast opportunity found in fiction writing, and what we lose when we don’t embrace that opportunity in our classrooms.

Language that Fosters Flexible Thinking by Chris Hall 2

The words we use to talk about writing and revision matter. Some things to consider from Heinemann Authors, Chris Hall and Mike Anderson.

Writing Unbound Audiobook Blog Header Graphic 2022 jam

Heinemann is pleased to announce the latest addition to our growing line of audiobooks, Writing Unbound: How Fiction Transforms Student Writers by Thomas Newkirk.

Textured Teaching Read Aloud

Today on the podcast we have a sample from Textured Teaching: A Framework for Culturally Sustaining Practices, read by author Lorena Germán.

Cultivate Your Reading and Writing Practices A Self Reflection Tool From Stephanie Affinito 3

The self reflection tool you didn't know you needed from the author of Leading Literate Lives, Stephanie Affinito.

Leading with Vulnerability

David Rockower illustrates how middle and high school teachers can build engagement and foster genuine student relationships by embracing vulnerability.

Linking Math and Literature to Explore Social Justice and Global Issues HML

How studying decimals empowered students to change their community: A blog by Margie Pearse, coauthor of Math by the Book: Fifth Grade.

What Every Teacher Should Know About Neurodiverse Learners Blog Headerrs

How best to support neurodiverse leaners: A blog from Mac Gander, an educator with more than three decades of experience in the field of neurodiversity.

Embracing Grief in the Classroom Podcast

Addressing grief in the classroom can be challenging, but educators play a special role in helping students move through difficult life events.

Audiobook Blog Banners

Heinemann is pleased to announce the latest addition to our growing line of audiobooks, The Civically Engaged Classroom by Mary Ehrenworth, Pablo Wolfe, and, Marc Todd.

LTL Two Students Blog Hdr 1200x628 1

Making space for students to solve problems in different ways and making mental math an integral part of your teaching.

Developing a Mindset for Revision Podcast

What if revision is something that happens in the mindset of the writer during the writing process? This is the question that Chris Hall answer in The Writer’s Mindset.

The Writers Mindset Conferring and Peer Conferring Around Strengths 2

When our students are writing with optimism, all sorts of questions and possibilities stream through their minds.

*The views expressed in our blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of Heinemann.