Topic: Troy Hicks

2018 PLC Banner 780x519 Option B 1

This month, our posts aim to position ourselves as educators who understand the evolving definition of literacy, and use this knowledge to teach our students to be both critical consumers and creative contributors through text and media.

2018 PLC Banner 780x519 Option B 1

This month, our posts aim to position ourselves as educators who understand the evolving definition of literacy, and use this knowledge to teach our students to be both critical consumers and creative contributors through text and media.

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Spring 2017 round up of Heinemann podcasts.


Troy Hicks on a Colleague Who Became a Mentor

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Teaching Beyond The Re-tweet: Digital Argument Instruction for Real World Literacy


Digital mediums carry various abilities for students to develop their rhetoric skills.


Understanding and analyzing digital rhetoric can facilitate meaningful discussions.

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Today the podcast, Kristen Hawley Turner and Troy Hicks discuss their book, Argument in the Real World


Cultivate students' technology knowledge through crafting digital rhetoric.


Building students' digital literacy translates into real world rhetoric skills.

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Online PLC: Crafting Web Texts

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Catch Heinemann Authors At ISTE 2015

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Connecting + Making = Digital Writing