Saxon® Phonics and Spelling’s approach to teaching phonics and spelling concepts uses foundational research in the science of reading and cognitive science. (continue reading)
Saxon Phonics and Spelling K–2 provides systematic, explicit, incremental, and cumulative instruction with application and continual review with foundational literacy skills that benefit all learners, particularly those students with dyslexia. (continue reading)
TCRWP is a think tank that is constantly evolving based on new research and practices. Read the Research Base document for their key beliefs and practices. (continue reading)
Today on the podcast we're taking a closer look at a recent study from the American Institutes for Research evaluating the effectiveness of Units of Study. (continue reading)
The American Institutes for Research (AIR), a not-for-profit, independent research firm based in the greater Washington, D.C., area, has completed the first objective, rigorous, quasi-experimental study of the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project’s reading and writing workshop and Units of Study curriculum. (continue reading)
Recently, I was talking to a group of primary grade teachers after finishing a workshop. They were all very conscientious, but they were also frightened, angry, and distracted by the tenor of recent conversations about phonics (continue reading)
Research is important throughout the entire writing process, and it can be fun, too. Give it a try in your own writing instruction. Here's how. (continue reading)