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Dedicated to Teachers


Building an Empathy Toolkit for your Classroom

The empathy you model sends a powerful message about how we treat each other in the world.  (continue reading)

How and When to be Flexible in Your Classroom

One of the biggest balancing acts of teaching is finding ways to be flexible. Here are some tips to help you.  (continue reading)

How Do We Teach Social Skills in the K–5 Classroom?

Social skills have to be learned, not just enforced. Try one (or all) of these suggestions.  (continue reading)

Kid Watching Tips to Guide Your Teaching

A strong sense of child development, a good curriculum, and careful kid watching are the tools any teacher can develop to tap into responsive and flexible teaching.  (continue reading)

How Do We Rebuild, Reconnect, and Reintroduce Joy Into Our Learning Spaces?

Practical resources to help you start the year off creating genuine connection and deepening learning in your classroom, from day one.  (continue reading)

Flexible Thinking and Core Beliefs: Planning for a Very Different School Year

By cultivating flexible thinking and revisiting our core beliefs, we can reflect on and plan for how we teach in virtual, distanced, and blended spaces.  (continue reading)

Teaching is Heart Work

If someone tells you teaching is easy, they probably don't really know teaching.  (continue reading)

PLC Series: Embrace Discomfort, Align Practices

Think about aligning beliefs and practices not within the classroom, but in your personal life.  (continue reading)

PLC Series: Planning for Community, Not Compliance

Welcome back to the PLC Series for the 2018-19 school year!  (continue reading)

5 Beliefs that Support Amazing Teachers

It is our responsibility to create classrooms where students can learn skills beyond the rote, that extend to their very ways of interacting with, and perhaps changing, the world. The beliefs that inform your teaching make all the difference.  (continue reading)

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