It's been a fantastic year of content, conversation, and camaraderie through our Professional Learning Community Series. Curl up and click on the links below to review our top posts from the year. Enjoy!
Building a Reading Identity—video blog with Kathy Collins and Matt Glover
Independent Writing Time—Digital Library article by Betsy Hubbard
Making Writing Irresistible—chapter download from M. Colleen Cruz
Entry Points for Writers—download from Matt Glover
Using Charts..Smarter!—On-Demand course video sample with Kristine Mraz and Marjorie Martinelli
Write-Alouds—Digital Library article by Leah Mermelstein
Writing Identities—On-Demand course video sample with Stephanie Parsons
Play as a Priority—webinar clip with Kristine Mraz, Alison Porcelli, and Cheryl Tyler
Uncovering Student Writers—webinar clip with Lisa Eickholdt
Sketchnoting—webinar clip with Tanny McGregor
How Mentor Texts Engage Secondary Students Through Play—video blog with Rebekah O'Dell and Allison Marchetti
Conversations to Support Writing—On-Demand course video sample with Regie Routman
Join us for a summer book study based on The Unstoppable Writing Teacher: Real Strategies for the Real Classroom, hosted by Heinemann Professional Development. For more information, click below to view the schedule and get connected to the to group!