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Dedicated to Teachers

You're Invited: A Special Heinemann Audiobooks Listening Party!

Listening_Event_FB_1200x628_v01We’d like to invite you to a special online-only audiobook listening party happening this weekend on Heinemann’s social media channels.

While still social distancing, you can tune in from home and listen to a selection of Heinemann’s audiobooks -- for free!

Here’s how it will work. On Sunday, April 5, 2020 at 2:00 PM (EDT), we’ll be live on both our Facebook page and our YouTube channel. Join us on either page, and you’ll see us go live with the event.

Here’s the schedule:

If you’d like to learn more about audiobooks at Heinemann, visit the audiobooks section of our website.
Visit the Heinemann Audiobooks Webpage

If you have been curious about audiobooks, join the community this weekend and share your thoughts. 

Topics: Cornelius Minor, Donald Graves, Ilana Seidel Horn, Motivated, Penny Kittle, The Curious Classroom, Harvey "Smokey" Daniels, Kate Roberts, A Novel Approach, Being the Change, Kelly Gallagher, 180 Days, We Got This, Audiobooks, Children Want to Write, Sara K. Ahmed, Rebecca Bellingham, The Artful Read Aloud, Covid_19

Date Published: 04/03/20

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