Twitter for Educators online course

Heinemann Publishing is thrilled to share Twitter for Educators, a free mini course on our Digital Campus.

Heinemann Publishing is thrilled to share Twitter for Educators, a free mini course on our Digital Campus.

Twitter is a social media tool for sharing experiences, but it’s also an important professional development nexus for educators. In fact, educators are among the most frequent professional users of Twitter. As Heinemann author Christopher Lehman has said, “There is a great big conversation about the future of education happening on Twitter. If you’re not participating, how will you contribute?”

For some, getting started on Twitter can be intimidating, but it’s quite easy. If you can text, you can tweet! When you’re connected to a Heinemann author on Twitter, she or he is right there in your pocket.

Twitter for educatorsBrett Whitmarsh, Heinemann’s social media manager, designed and teaches the Twitter for Educators course. Before joining Heinemann, Brett spent a number of years teaching journalists how to use social media as a tool for journalism. He also teaches a social media and journalism course at Lyndon State College, in Vermont.

Using Heinemann’s authors and resources, Brett breaks down the Twitter terminology and points out its practical uses for educators. You’ll learn how to get started, become more familiar with the platform, and see how it can be used as a professional development tool.
Topics covered include:

•    Understanding Twitter terminology
•    Being aware of the differences between public and private accounts
•    Using Twitter handles
•    Understanding and using hashtags (#) for educators
•    Having an effective conversation on Twitter
•    Identifying a mentor author to follow and chat with
•    Participating in Twitter chats with other teachers and Heinemann authors

Take a look at a preview:

This free course is divided into eight parts and will take approximately 45 minutes to complete. All you have to do is sign up! To learn more about Heinemann’s Twitter for Educators online course, as well as other on-demand PD courses, visit the Digital Campus at: