The craft decisions involved in creating an actual graphic novel are numerous, varied, and complex—but they can be explicitly taught and learned, practiced and perfected.
January 6, 2023
What can we learn from the texts that we admire the most? How can they inform our own writing?
December 15, 2022
An easy and practical tool that will help teachers prioritize student’s work time. Download a free copy of the planning wheel from The Literacy Studio by Ellin Oliver Keene.
November 16, 2022
Mentor texts provide concrete examples of craft techniques and conventions to refer to during mini-lessons, small group lessons and writing conferences.
November 8, 2022
After living and teaching through a pandemic for over two years, we all need time to process and release in a collective manner. Where do we start?
May 5, 2022
Today on the podcast, author Ralph Fletcher on the effectiveness of a good writing mini lesson in particular the value of having a visual in your mini lesson.
April 28, 2022
The myth of the master writer has long plagued students and teachers alike, limiting our sense of self-confidence and writerly ability. Is it possible to dispel these notions?
March 3, 2022
The reflective practice of teaching can bring both joy and frustration. We feel joy in the moment a writing conference propels a student to a new place in their notebook, or when we witness the impact of a mini-lesson or mentor text...
February 1, 2022
In this audiobook preview, Tom describes the vast opportunity found in fiction writing, and what we lose when we don’t embrace that opportunity in our classrooms.
January 20, 2022
The words we use to talk about writing and revision matter. Some things to consider from Heinemann Authors, Chris Hall and Mike Anderson.
January 19, 2022
What if revision is something that happens in the mindset of the writer during the writing process? This is the question that Chris Hall answer in The Writer’s Mindset.
December 2, 2021
When’s the last time your students got to write creatively? Or craft a piece of fiction that was entirely their own?
November 18, 2021
There are also a few things we can do as teachers of writing to reignite our own energy and joy. So here are a few tips to keep in mind as you journey on your way.
November 9, 2021
How do you approach essay, poetry, book clubs, and digital composition? If we reimagine our approach we can open the door to more engaged and challenging learning.
October 21, 2021
Dedicating a section of the classroom library to mentor texts gives students the opportunity to access and choose the mentor texts that work best for them.
September 16, 2021
Mentor texts from a variety of high-interest sources along with diverse authors can be a real game changer in secondary writing classrooms.
June 10, 2021
Today on the podcast we are chatting with Stephanie Affinito about her new book Leading Literate Lives.
May 13, 2021
We can prepare our students for academic writing tasks when we invite them to make the kind of writing real writers make.
March 26, 2021