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Dedicated to Teachers


Free Webinar: Help Students Learn from Mentor Authors

Watch this free edWebinar with Carl Anderson and Matt Glover, who show you what the immersion period of writing workshop looks and sounds like.  (continue reading)

Alumni Mentorship Through Acts of Cariño and Orgullo

Heinemann Fellow Irene Castillón looks at mentorship through a new lens...  (continue reading)

Where to Find Mentor Texts

Where to Find Mentor Texts  (continue reading)

What Allison Marchetti and Rebekah O’Dell Mean to Me

What Allison Marchetti and Rebekah O’Dell Mean to Me  (continue reading)

How Our Book Provides an Approach for Teachers

How Our Book Provides an Approach for Teachers  (continue reading)

Writing With Mentors: The Catalyzing Moment

Coauthors Marchetti and O'Dell dive into the necessity of timely mentor texts to engage students beyond the writing classroom.  (continue reading)

Writing With Mentors: Who Is It For?

Writing With Mentors: Who Is It For?  (continue reading)

Online PLC: Turn To Mentors

Online PLC: Turn To Mentors  (continue reading)

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