Heinemann is pleased to announce the latest addition to our growing line of audiobooks, Learning from Loss: A Trauma-Informed Approach to Supporting Grieving Students by Brittany R. Collins. (continue reading)
Teachers hold the power to change the trajectory of a grieving student’s life, and our gestures of support need not be large in order to make an impact. (continue reading)
There are steps and actionable practices we can take to tailor a grief-responsive approach for our students, our school community, and ourselves. (continue reading)
How might a growth mindset guide us in grief work at school, especially when we are experiencing vicarious trauma or grief? A blog post from Brittany Collins. (continue reading)
Addressing grief in the classroom can be challenging, but educators play a special role in helping students move through difficult life events. (continue reading)
When a student loses a parent, or a faculty loses a colleague, or a trauma occurs too close to home, what should we do? What should we say? (continue reading)
Having a set of strategies to turn to when confronting loss at school helps us stay grounded and tuned-in, better serving students and ourselves. (continue reading)