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Dedicated to Teachers


Heart Mapping at Home: Meaningful, Authentic Writing

Heart maps help students explore and process feelings. Included are heart mapping at home activities and videos from Georgia Heard.  (continue reading)

Georgia Heard on Tedx: Mapping Your Heart

We spend a lot of time teaching the craft of writing but we also need to devote time to helping students write with purpose and meaning.  (continue reading)

Your One Stop Shop for Recent Podcast Highlights

Spring 2017 round up of Heinemann podcasts.  (continue reading)

Teacher Appreciation: Georgia Heard Reflects on The Great Advice of a Teacher

Teacher Appreciation: Georgia Heard Reflects on The Great Advice of a Teacher  (continue reading)

A Heart Maps Twitter Chat with Georgia Heard

Georgia Heard, author of Heart Maps, hosts this Twitter chat.  (continue reading)

Tune in to Your Heart Map Playlist

Tune in to Your Heart Map Playlist  (continue reading)

Heart Maps: What Matters

Heart Maps: What Matters  (continue reading)

On the Podcast: Heart Maps by Georgia Heard

In today's podcast we speak with Georgia about what heart maps are and why they're so helpful for children as writers.  (continue reading)

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