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Dedicated to Teachers

Georgia Heard on Tedx: Mapping Your Heart

HeartMapsTedTalkHow do we get students to “ache with caring” about their writing instead of mechanically stringing words together?  We spend a lot of time teaching the craft of writing but we also need to devote time to helping students write with purpose and meaning.

Download the Sample Chapter of Heart Maps

Celebrated poet, author, and teacher, Georgia Heard, explains how heart mapping is both a tool for unlocking the creative process, and a means to confirm what we know to be true deep inside, an invaluable tool in the current world where often we are asked to dismiss what is patently evident before us.

Download the Sample Chapter of Heart Maps 

AU_Heard-Georgia_AuthorPhoto_webAs a writer, a poet, and a founding member of the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project, Georgia Heard continues to bring a poet’s ear and a teacher’s know-how to every aspect of writing instruction. Her newest book, Heart Maps, provides 20 unique, multi-genre heart maps to help students write with purpose and authenticity. A heart mapping pioneer, Georgia has spent decades guiding students into more meaningful writing experiences by using heart maps to explore what we all hold inside: feelings, passions, vulnerabilities, and wonderings. You can follow her on Twitter at @GeorgiaHeard1

Topics: Georgia Heard, Heart Maps

Date Published: 05/24/18

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