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Dedicated to Teachers

Online PLC: Transform Your Teaching, Transform A Life.


During February, we’re featuring articles from our Online PLC to support new teachers (#NTchat on Twitter). However, we know teachers of all experience levels can use some rejuvenation at this time of year, so let’s join together in this community of strength and support! This week: a video from Regie Routman.

Standards. Schedules. Initiatives. Mandates. So many inevitables in an educator's world can blur our vision and cause us to lose sight of the very person in front of us—a student eager to learn, to be accepted, yet afraid to fail.

This powerful video from Regie Routman’s Transforming Your Teaching Series, available in the Digital Library, is worth every second, so permit yourself the time to view it, reflect upon it, and make connections with your own students, past and present.

While you watch this interview with a former student, notice the emotion that comes from within her heart and voice as she describes her life-changing reading conference.


What an opportunity we have as educators to connect with students and create enormous change with small moments! In this profession, we do not always get to enjoy and be a participant in the future successes of our students.


Teachers everywhere could use more of these uplifting stories. Can you share yours? Use our Online PLC Facebook Group, comment below in the blog, or use #OnlinePLC on Twitter to share a student success story.

Sign up below for Heinemann's Online PLC! Each week, we'll share content from the Heinemann Digital Library as food for thought and discussion. Our conversations can occur in comments here on the blog, on Twitter using #OnlinePLC or in our Facebook Group. Looking forward to sharing content, conversation and camaraderie!


Regie Routman's intimate knowledge of teaching and learning, down-to-earth style, and dedication to children's success have made her one of the most vibrant and respected names in literacy education. Her books and the Transforming You Teaching series have encouraged hundreds of thousands of teachers to take charge of their professional learning and create efficient, joyful practices.

COMING SOON! A new on-demand mini-course from Regie Routman: Transforming Your Teaching Through Reading To Understand

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Wondering where to connect online? Start by signing up below for Heinemann's Online PLC! Each week, we'll share content from the Heinemann Digital Library as food for thought and discussion. Our conversations can occur in comments here on the blog, on Twitter using #OnlinePLC or in our Facebook Group. Looking forward to sharing content, conversation and camaraderie!

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Topics: Video, Education, PLC Series, Digital Campus, Professional Development, Regie Routman

Date Published: 02/29/16

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