PLC Series: November Round Up

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Welcome to the November Round Up for the Heinemann PD Professional Learning Community Series. This month, we shared content and conversations to open critical discussions about sensitive topics to hopefully bend our world toward social justice.​ Scroll through to see what you might have missed this month or simply want to read again!

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Listening as a Teaching Move 

To begin the month, we read Sara Ahmed's wise piece from the latest Heinemann PD Catalog—Journal, "The Power of Listening: When Not Talking is your best Teaching Move". Click the image to view the post and download the article.

Delicate Moments: Kid Talk about Socially Complicated Issues

Amy Bauman's vulnerable and reflective Heinemann Digital Library article nudged us to self-examine our own impulses in order to gain footing for starting delicdelicate-momentsate conversations with students. This article shared not only personal stories, but transcripts of interviews among children providing insight into the work of telling one's story to open up further delicate conversations. Read and download by clicking the image!

The Heinemann Podcast: Bullying Hurts, Part 2

In this polaminack_wadsworth_stayinspired_quote_600x300_findcast episode, shared from our weekly Stay Inspired series, Lester Laminack shares that "Mr. Rogers told us you're entitled to feel any of the human emotions, that's part of being human. What we have to guard against is how we react to those emotions. It's fine to feel angry or indignant, but to behave, speak without reflection is dangerous." Click the image to access the podcast and read the transcript.

The Virtuous Cycle of Building Community

"It all begins with acquaintance."smokey-sara

Sara Ahmed and Smokey Daniels, co-authors of Upstanders: How to Engage Middle School Hearts and Minds with Inquiry (2015), explain the importance of hearing and thinking about a person’s story to build empathy and a sense of obligation. Click the image to view the clip!

Justice For All?

justice-for-all_jouriles-pdf-google-drive1In this article, taken from the Social Justice category of the Heinemann Digital Library, we heard from educator Greg Jouriles about ways to foster intellectual skills in students to support their discovery of a sense of place within a democracy. Learn from Greg's work and hear his story by clicking on the article to view.

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Looking for more PD?

Online: Heinemann’s Digital Library features a Social Justice category full of content to support your thinking and conversations, in addition to numerous other categories and complete professional titles!

Off-site:  Learn with Smokey Daniels, along with Sara Ahmed, Nancy Steineke, Donalyn Miller, and Kristin Ziemke, in a Multi-Day Institute in New Orleans, LA., January 13-16, 2017:  “Inquiry, Literacy and Life: Cultivating Student Engagement, Curiosity, and Collaboration”.

On-Site: Take a look at customized seminars, consulting authors, and speakers, and residencies available to you for your school or district by clicking here.