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Dedicated to Teachers


The Power of Writing Minilessons: A Can’t-Miss Way to Strengthen Students’ Literacy Skills

Strong writing minilessons open a world of possibilities for learners, creating an environment that nurtures students’ ability to write with purpose, imagination, and voice.  (continue reading)

Words Matter: Language that Fosters Flexible Thinking

The words we use to talk about writing and revision matter. Some things to consider from Heinemann Authors, Chris Hall and Mike Anderson.  (continue reading)

Podcast: Developing a Mindset for Revision with Chris Hall and Ellin Keene

What if revision is something that happens in the mindset of the writer during the writing process? This is the question that Chris Hall answer in The Writer’s Mindset.  (continue reading)

The Writer's Mindset: Conferring Around Strengths

When our students are writing with optimism, all sorts of questions and possibilities stream through their minds.  (continue reading)

What is a Writer’s Mindset? by Chris Hall

Learn more about writing stances and craft moves that not only cultivate positive behaviors about writing but encourage a willingness—and even enthusiasm—to revise.  (continue reading)

Teaching Practices That Spark a Culture of Revision

It is about helping our students develop the mindsets essential to writers who learn and grow with each other and from each other.  (continue reading)

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