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Dedicated to Teachers

Smarter Charts for Math, Science, and Social Studies Cover Revealed

Heinemann publishing is thrilled to announce the cover for Smarter Charts for Math, Science, and Social Studies from authors Kristine Mraz and Marjorie Martinelli (also known as the Chartchums).

In the original Smarter Charts, Marjorie Martinelli and Kristi Mraz helped turn classroom literacy charts into teaching powerhouses. Now they show how to turn up the instructional energy on content-area charts, too. In Smarter Charts for Math, Science, and Social Studies, Marjorie and Kristi share how they learned to make truly effective content-area charts with students. This book helps turn complex ideas into kid-friendly visuals, helps children internalize content processes, and even increases instructional time.

With dozens of examples from the content areas, including full-color photographs, the Chartchums reveal step by step how to create charts that show Routines, Genres and Concepts, Processes, Repertoires of Strategies, and Exemplars. Then their “Charts in Action” sections they show how each type of chart builds engagement and improves independence as it gradually releases responsibility to learners. You don’t have to be a graphic designer or a subject-matter expert to benefit from this book.

Click here to read a sample chapter

For more information on Smarter Charts for Math, Science, and Social Studies click here.

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Topics: Chartchums, Elementary, Kristine Mraz, Marjorie Martinelli, Math, Smarter Charts

Date Published: 08/15/14

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