From Inquiry To Action: The Benefits of Civic Engagement for Students

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Students become committed to school when they inquire into the issues in front of them in life. In his newest book, Steven Zemelman gives step by step instructions for developing civic engagement in your classroom through research, argument, speaking and listening, close analysis of social issues and structures, and writing for authentic audiences. In this video, Steve discusses the benefits of such project-based work.


See Steve's posts on Medium:

From Inquiry to Action: Civic Engagement with Project-Based Learning in All Content Areas is out now

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In best-selling resources like Best Practice and Subjects MatterSteven Zemelman has documented the power of civic engagement in classrooms. From Inquiry To Action draws on his deep experiences as a longtime educator, former director of the Center for City Schools at National-Louis University, and cofounder of the Illinois Writing Project to create a full plan for teachers to change the lives of students so students can change their communities.