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Dedicated to Teachers

Fountas and Pinnell Monthly Twitter chat on Assessment

Each month authors Irene Fountas & Gay Su Pinnell host a Twitter chat. This month their focus was on assessment.  On the topic Fountas & PInnell say, "we want our ongoing reading assessments to provide us with evidence that students are using systems of strategic actions across texts. Knowing the readers in your classroom requires regular, systematic observation, as well as the application of high-quality literacy tools. The information gained from systematic assessment of the way a reader works through text provides teachers with new understandings of the reading process."

We invite you to review the chat from Thursday night below and to read Irene Fountas' new blog here: "Are You Testing or Teaching Comprehension?"


Be sure to follow Fountas & Pinnell on Twitter.

Topics: Fountas & Pinnell Literacy™, Gay Su Pinnell, Reading, Assessment, Irene Fountas, Literacy, Twitter

Date Published: 02/27/15

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