The Best of the 2016 PLC Series

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2016 was rich with content, conversation, and camaraderie in our Professional Learning Community blog series!  Thousands of educators like you pushed your thinking through reading, sharing, and discussing the videos, articles, book chapters, and more. No doubt students all over the country and even all over the world have received the benefits of your dedication to professional learning.

Let's take a look at some of the most popular posts of 2016!

We will continue on our path of lifelong professional learning as we head into 2017, so be sure to sign up to receive the posts via email each week. 

To find out more about all of the amazing PD options available to you Online, Off-Site, and On-Site, follow the links below:

♦ Get a subscription to the Heinemann Digital Library!

♦ Browse and sample our video-rich On-Demand Courses.

♦ Scroll through the list of pre-recorded and live webinars now available! 

♦ Find out which authors are near you this Winter/Spring 2017 for One Day workshops

♦ Energize your district around timely, important topics with author keynotes and on-site consulting. Learn more here!

Related Reading



In Chapter 5 of Youth Scribes: Teaching a Love of Writing, R. Joseph Rodríguez discusses "Living Antiracism and Equity." In the following adapted excerpt, he describes a writing assignment where students can question and analyze moments of antiracism.