Heinemann Blog

Thought leadership supporting the latest innovations in K-12 education.


To Read Stuff You Have to Know Stuff is now available! Watch Kelly Gallagher discuss his renowned article of the week to help students build background knowledge.


Sue O'Connell and Math in Practice can help to unlock the full potential of K-5 math education with this transformative six-session course.

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Shamari joins some of the top educators and authors in the country to discuss the humanity in all aspects of teaching and life.


Heinemann is excited to announce the release of select professional books on Kindle! This will be an ongoing process.

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Are you a new teacher feeling overwhelmed by the demands of the classroom?


Marilyn Pryle outlines the benefits of reading responses, and how to use them to encourage students to be critical readers in the age of disinformation.

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Our political and social influences build our point of view and lead to bias. Examine your positionality and teaching context in this excerpt from Textured Teaching.

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How does math workshop allow for differentiated instruction?


Lindsey Moses provides effective strategies for encouraging multilingual students to leverage their bilingualism.

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How can we effectively support elementary math teachers?


Led by Heidi Anne Mesmer, this workshop presents highly effective techniques for teaching phonics and reading multisyllabic words, as directly informed by the latest studies.


Penny Kittle, Linda Rief, and Tom Romano are hosting a-four day series. The focus is two-pronged: the craft of writing memoir, and teachers as writers.


This dynamic three-part series, hosted by Kylene Beers, delves deeper into the Notice and Note Signposts.

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Why is building background knowledge so crucial for students reading comprehension and critical thinking? Hear from Kelly Gallagher on the podcast this week.

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Authors Grace Kelemanik and Amy Lucenta are hosting an online book study of Teaching for Thinking. Join them starting on October 16 for this professional development opportunity.


Lorena Germán emphasizes the need to recognize and act on the long-standing injustices infused in our schools and curricula.


How does background knowledge determine how we make decisions in the age of click-and-go reading?


Lindsey Moses' Supporting Multilingual Learners is now available. Outlined here are her 50 Strategies for Language and Literacy Instruction.

*The views expressed in our blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of Heinemann.