Topic: Pamela Harris

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The Importance of Numeracy

Teacher Appreciation: Pam Harris On An Eccentric College Professor

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Fake Math Versus Real Math

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Do your students have the freedom to use or not to use the tools they deem necessary for math?

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If we encourage students to reason quantitatively (attending to the relationships between the numbers and using properties flexibly), they can abstract to general principles that can help solve other seemingly unrelated problems

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Three Free Resources For Your Classroom

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Consider some of the highlights from SMP blog series for understanding and bringing each Mathematical Practice into your classroom.


Steve Leinwand, Sue O'Connell, Pamela Weber Harris and other math leaders examine the Standards for Mathematical Practice.

Heinemann 2015 Resolutions, Part 6: Pamela Weber Harris, Meenoo Rami, and Elizabeth Fennema