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Dedicated to Teachers


PLC Series: Listening to Students as a Priority

This post kicks off the PLC series. A good place to begin is with how to listen to and learn from our students.  (continue reading)

PLC Series: Listening to Students as a Priority

The PLC Series begins again for the 2018-19 school year!  (continue reading)

PLC Series: Mathematicians are Communicators

This month we look at ways to infuse concepts of community in the math classroom to support confidence and participation.  (continue reading)

Starting The Year With Student Thinking

Starting The Year With Student Thinking  (continue reading)

Start the School Year by Reflecting on Your Core Beliefs

Start the School Year by Reflecting on Your Core Beliefs  (continue reading)

Better Observation Through Listening

Better Observation Through Listening  (continue reading)

Breathing New Life Into the Talk in Your Classroom

Breathing New Life Into the Talk in Your Classroom  (continue reading)

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