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Dedicated to Teachers

On the Podcast: We Got This Read Aloud with Cornelius Minor Part 2

E09814_Minor_Bookcover_121318_Blog“We learn lots from hero stories, but sometimes they leave out the concrete realities of change,” writes author Cornelius Minor. He goes on to write: “The ‘teacher as superhero’ story can be similarly misleading.” Today on the Heinemann Podcast, we’re exploring the reality of that story. 
Download the sample chapter from We Got This

In part two of this special read-aloud series, Cornelius continues reading from the introduction of his new book, We Got This: Equity, Access, and the Quest to Be Who Our Students Need Us to BeIf you missed Part I, we invite you to go back and give it a listen here.

Here now is Cornelius Minor with the introduction titled, “This Ain’t Everybody’s Hero Story – Its Yours”


You can find a transcript of today's read aloud of We Got This by downloading the sample chapter below!

Download the sample chapter from We Got This

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corneliusminorCornelius Minor is a frequent keynote speaker for and Lead Staff Developer at the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project. In that capacity, he works with teachers, school leaders, and leaders of community-based organizations to support deep and wide literacy reform in cities (and sometimes villages) across the globe. Whether working with teachers and young people in Singapore, Seattle, or New York City, Cornelius always uses his love for technology, hip-hop, and social media to recruit students’ engagement in reading and writing and teachers’ engagement in communities of practice. As a staff developer, Cornelius draws not only on his years teaching middle school in the Bronx and Brooklyn, but also on time spent skateboarding, shooting hoops, and working with young people.

You can follow Cornelius on Twitter @MisterMinor

Topics: Cornelius Minor, Podcast, Heinemann Podcast, We Got This, Cornelius Minor Podcasts, Read Aloud Podcast

Date Published: 01/10/19

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