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Dedicated to Teachers

Heinemann 2015 Resolutions, Part 4: Ellin Keene, Nell Duke, and Tom Newkirk

We asked the Heinemann authors who published a book in 2014 to provide a resolution for 2015. We hope these resolutions--or edulutions--spark a note of self-reflection while lifting you to continue your good, vital work into the new year. Over the next two weeks as we share our education resolutions, we’d love to read your edulutions. Share them with us or follow along on Twitter with the hashtag #Heinemann15. Cheers for a happy new year!


“Our resolution for 2015 is to continue to work with educators throughout the country to replace ineffective classroom practices with practices that are more effective. We resolve to intensify our efforts to focus on engagement, recognizing that a small amount of time in which students are highly engaged is more valuable than much more time in which they are disengaged. We resolve to work toward making the best possible use of every precious moment we have with students.”

-Ellin Oliver Keene, Nell K. Duke, editors of the Not This, But That series


“Here's to a year of thinking small—not big programs, big results, scaling up, chasing those damn Finns. But attention to those delicate exchanges that constitute good teaching—to the tone of voice of the student who is struggling, the word in a story that evokes a picture, the image of a student reading, lost to the world. After all, it takes no skill to see the gigantic, it is the subtle and momentary that require real attention.”

-Tom Newkirk, author of Minds Made for Stories


Topics: Ellin Keene, Heinemann, Heinemann15, New Year, Resolutions, Tom Newkirk, Edulutions, Nell K. Duke

Date Published: 01/01/15

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