Heinemann Blog

Thought leadership supporting the latest innovations in K-12 education.

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R. Joseph Rodríguez outlines the scribe's elements of literacy and scribal practices to help students gain a life long love of writing.

Phenomenal Teaching Blog Header

Learn how to scaffold productive and engaging conversations with your students from the author of Phenomenal Teaching, Wendy Ward Hoffer.

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What do rural educators need to know to navigate in their communities? Cathie English illuminates how she shifted her mindset from growing up in a rural environment, to her first teaching job, to settling into a community with a new outlook.

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Today we hear from author and teacher Marilyn Pryle about the crucial role of English teachers in today's world.

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How can we create a classroom environment where every student feels like a math person?


Marilyn Pryle's 5 Questions for Any Text: Critical Reading in the Age of Disinformation is now available! Watch Marilyn discuss the new book and detail the five questions for unlocking deeper understanding.

Math Workhop

Jennifer Lempp and Skip Tyler's Math Workshop, Grades 6-12 is now available! Watch the authors discuss the layout of the book, accompanied by an excerpt

Newkirk Vet Day

Tom Newkirk reflects on the intersection between reading and freedom.

HNM WF2103603 FP Assess 2024 Strategies for Maximizing the Impact of Literacy Assessments Blog Post

Literacy assessments provide critical insights, but their real power lies in how teachers use that data to drive instruction.

Moses Scaffolding

Lindsey Moses explains how to use scaffolding for multilingual learners.

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Are you a new teacher feeling overwhelmed by the demands of the classroom?


Humans Who Teach is now available as an audiobook! Listen to the book in author Shamari Reid's own voice.

FPC Comp Whole Group Blog

Comprehension is the heart of literacy instruction and targeting it during whole-group literacy time ensures that all students are building the skills they need to become thoughtful, engaged readers.

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How can we create a classroom environment where every student feels safe and valued enough to actively participate and engage in their learning?


Marilyn Pryle explains how to teach critical reading with this sample reading response based on her Question 1: what am I reading?


Deciding what to teach is getting harder. Kelly Gallagher shares 5 big ideas any given curriculum should do to encourage developing background knowledge.

HNM WF2093015 FP Assessment 2024 NTL Early Assessment Blog Post

By gaining a clear picture of each child’s reading abilities from the start, educators can tailor their instruction to meet individual needs, ensuring that every lesson is relevant, engaging, and effective.


What does it mean for students to be scribes, not just writers? R. Joseph Rodríguez explains how this distinctive method can center students' knowledge and meaning-making and increase joy for writing.

*The views expressed in our blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of Heinemann.