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Dedicated to Teachers

Summer PD with #DisruptTexts!


Committing to an inclusive, representative, and equitable language arts curriculum is important and challenging work. Where do you begin?

You begin with the mission of the #DisruptTexts movement.

You begin with an understanding that liberatory work must be collective work.

You begin with PD by the women educators of color, with more than 65 years of collective teaching experience, who lead this movement.

Founded in the summer of 2018 by Tricia Ebarvia, Lorena Germán, Dr. Kim Parker, and Julia Torres, #DisruptTexts is a crowdsourced, grass roots effort by teachers for teachers to challenge the traditional canon in order to create a more inclusive, representative, and equitable language arts curriculum that students deserve. It is part of their mission to aid and develop teachers committed to anti-racist/anti-bias teaching pedagogy and practices. To learn more about what this movement IS and IS NOT, visit disrupttexts.org

This work cannot and should not be done in isolation. That's why you have TWO choices of dates to attend PD with #DisruptTexts cofounders as they help educators unpack what it means to be an anti-bias, anti-racist teacher in the English language arts classroom. During these hands-on and interactive sessions, you will:

  1. learn how to identify and interrogate the impact of bias in the classroom,
  2. consider potential titles for inclusion as counternarratives
  3. practice applying a critical lens to their instructional practices
  4. collaborate with other antiracist educators to generate ideas and seek feedback.

Register for the July 20th Virtual Workshop

Register for the August 11th Virtual Workshops


Questions? Email us at workshops@heinemann.com, send us a message on Twitter @HeinemannPD, or on Facebook @HeinemannPublishing.

For more information about #DisruptTexts, follow the hashtag, @DisruptTexts, and its cofunders on Twitter: @triciaebarvia, @nenagerman, @tchkimpossible, and @juliaerin80. Head to  www.disrupttexts.org for background, teaching guides, and more as you prepare to do this work.

Topics: Tricia Ebarvia, Workshops, Kim Parker, Heinemann PD, Julia Torres, Lorena Germán, virtual pd

Date Published: 06/07/21

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