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Dedicated to Teachers

Your Journey, Your PD


The path of each educator is unique. As such, the professional development each person seeks depends on their context, experiences, access to training, topic preferences, pedagogy, and so much more. At Heinemann Professional Learning Services, our primary focus is listening to what teachers and schools need and responding with a variety of formats and topics.

We have a rich history of hosting events that are carefully designed and curated based on requests and feedback from the field, and also address timely, relevant topics. Connecting with educators, presenters, and content through our virtual events is a highlight for attendees as well as the team here at Heinemann PD. Each of the live events come with 30-day recording access so you can attend and review with the flexibility you need. Questions? Let us know at pdevents@heinemann.com.

View the PD Events Calendar

Topics: Professional Development, Events

Date Published: 09/13/22

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