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Dedicated to Teachers

Cornelius Minor Featured on Today Show Segment "Teachers on the Front Lines"

Screen Shot 2021-01-13 at 9.57.43 AMThis morning, Heinemann Author Cornelius Minor was featured on a Today Show series called Teachers on the Front Lines about difficulties teaching amid the COVID pandemic. Teachers in the US are risking their own health and well being in order to teach kids, often subjecting themselves to long days in front of video screen, or trying to stay safe while teaching in person. NBC's Today Show interviewed several teachers about their experiences teaching throughout the pandemic. You can watch the entire segment below. 


Learn more about Cornelius Minor's work here

corneliusminorCornelius Minor is a Brooklyn-based educator. He works with teachers, school leaders, and leaders of community-based organizations to support equitable literacy reform in cities (and sometimes villages) across the globe. His latest book, We Got This, explores how the work of creating more equitable school spaces is embedded in our everyday choices—specifically in the choice to really listen to kids. He has been featured in Education Week, Brooklyn Magazine, and Teaching Tolerance Magazine. He has partnered with The Teachers College Reading and Writing Project, The New York City Department of Education, The International Literacy Association, and Lesley University’s Center for Reading Recovery and Literacy Collaborative. Out of Print, a documentary featuring Cornelius made its way around the film festival circuit, and he has been a featured speaker at conferences all over the world. Most recently, along with his partner and wife, Kass Minor, he has established The Minor Collective, a community-based movement designed to foster sustainable change in schools. Whether working with educators and kids in Los Angeles, Seattle, or New York City, Cornelius uses his love for technology, hip-hop, and social media to bring communities together. As a teacher, Cornelius draws not only on his years teaching middle school in the Bronx and Brooklyn, but also on time spent skateboarding, shooting hoops, and working with young people.

You can connect with him at Kass and Corn, or on Twitter at @MisterMinor

Topics: Cornelius Minor, Distance Learning, Covid_19, Remote Learning, Remote Teaching

Date Published: 01/13/21

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