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Dedicated to Teachers

Beyond Literacy Analysis Read Aloud Podcast

Beyond-LA-Insta-1Today on the Heinemann Podcast, a special read aloud from Allison Marchetti and Rebekah O’Dell, co-authors of Beyond Literary Analysis: Teaching Students to Write with Passion and Authority About Any Text.

Run-of-the-mill analysis essays have their place, but when is the last time your students were excited to write them? And when were you last excited to read them? In Beyond Literary Analysis, Allison and Rebekah expand on the idea of what is open to analysis from class novels to sports to Games of Thrones and everything in-between.

When students are given the opportunity to write thoughtfully about the things they love -whether it be a film, a song, a sports game, or a piece of art- they’re able to focus on developing their analytical skills and growing into strong writers.

Allison and Rebekah begin with the text conversation that started it all…


To learn more about Beyond Literary Analysis visit Heinemann.com

Download a sample chapter of Beyond Literary Analysis

allisonmarchetti.jpgAllison Marchetti teaches high school English in Richmond, Virginia. A graduate of the University of Virginia, she is an experienced teacher in both independent and public schools, from inclusion classrooms to AP and IB. A past presenter at NCTE, Allison is coauthor (with Rebekah O’Dell) of the popular blog movingwriters.org, as well as the professional book Writing With Mentors.  Both the blog and book were inspired by Tom Newkirk’s call to young teachers at NCTE 2012 to “carry the torch” of Don Graves’ work to the next generation of teachers and students.

rebekahodell.jpgRebekah O'Dell teaches high school English in Richmond, Virginia. A graduate of the University of Virginia, she is an experienced teacher in both independent and public schools, from inclusion classrooms to AP and IB. A past presenter at NCTE, Rebekah is coauthor (with Allison Marchetti) of the popular blog movingwriters.org, as well as the professional book Writing With Mentors.  Both the blog and book were inspired by Tom Newkirk’s call to young teachers at NCTE 2012 to “carry the torch” of Don Graves’ work to the next generation of teachers and students. 

Topics: Podcast, Rebekah O'Dell, Allison Marchetti, Heinemann Podcast, Beyond Literary Analysis, Read Aloud Podcast

Date Published: 06/14/18

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