Barry Lane's best-selling After THE END helped teachers see revision in a whole new light and inspired a generation of students to not only embrace revision but to realize that writing is revision. Now, the long-awaited second edition keeps Barry's humorous and endearing tone while updating his ideas and lessons for teaching writing with heart. These days, teachers are asked to implement a program, and Barry wonders whether that is teaching at all. So he created an oath for teachers, and it's an oath worth considering. Watch the video to find out more.
After THE END, Second Edition: Teaching and Learning Creative Revision is available now
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Barry Lane has taught writing in grades K–12, and authored many professional books to help teachers teach writing with joy and passion. His other books include Reviser's Toolbox, But How Do You Teach Writing? and Force Field for Good (with Colleen Mestdagh).
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The following is an adapted excerpt from Marilyn Pryle’s 5 Questions for Any Text.