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Dedicated to Teachers

Ask Questions, Plan for Instruction.


In her latest book, What’s the Best That Could Happen?, Debbie Miller explores how questions help us look beyond the limitations of what we’ve done and discover powerful new opportunities for teaching and learning.

What does it look like and sound like to plan for instruction with these questions in mind? Listen in on a planning session between Debbie Miller and Samantha Bennett as they work through connecting their questions, classroom observations, and instructional goals to design a lesson for the next day and week ahead.




Debbie and Sam coauthored Everyday Habits that Grow Successful Readers, an On-Demand course full of videos like this one that provide us models for this kind of thinking, planning, and classroom instruction. 

View On-Demand Course Options

Topics: Debbie Miller, On-Demand Courses, Online PD, Samantha Bennett

Date Published: 10/08/18

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