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Dedicated to Teachers


Read Aloud Podcast: Extending Understanding

A strategy for deepening understanding with a text. Excerpt from Kylene's audiobook.  (continue reading)

'A Handbook with a Heart': What's New in When Kids Can't Read

Kylene Beers delivers a new edition of When Kids Can't Read, a practical and impactful guidebook for teachers that meets the critical needs of students.  (continue reading)

The Journey to the Second Edition of When Kids Can't Read

This week on the podcast, Kylene Beers and Jennifer Ochoa talk about the second edition of When Kids Can't Read.  (continue reading)

Heinemann Professional Books Published in 2023

A list of Heinemann professional books published in 2023.  (continue reading)

The Transformative Power of Reading

This week on the podcast, Kylene Beers joins to share what's new in the second edition of When Kids Can't Read.  (continue reading)

The Power of Relevance: Engaging Students in Reading Through Personal Connections

As educators, we all want our students to have the skills and insights needed to navigate the world outside of their classroom. In this mission, the significance of relevance in reading cannot be understated.  (continue reading)

7 Pre-Reading Scaffolds for Struggling Readers

Pre-reading scaffolds are powerful tools that can equip struggling readers with the skills and confidence they need to navigate and comprehend text.  (continue reading)

Three Strategies to Support Four Big Reading Goals

Emergent Reading, Engagement, Print Work, and Fluency are some of the most important reading goals we work on with our students. Learn more about these four pillars of reading instruction.  (continue reading)

When Kids Need Help With Fluency: 5 Things Teachers Can Do

Disfluent readers are most often disfluent because of a lack of practice with reading. Ultimately, struggling readers must have a lot of time to read at their instructional or independent level.  (continue reading)

Unlock Your Students' Reading Potential: 4 Proven Strategies to Empower Struggling Readers

Discover four proven strategies to empower struggling readers in your classroom, fostering a nurturing environment where students can unlock their reading potential and thrive academically.  (continue reading)

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