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Dedicated to Teachers


Registration is OPEN for #IREL22

The anticipation of what these two institutes will bring us in 2022 is energizing. Through IREL, Dr. Sonja Cherry-Paul and Tricia Ebarvia have designed a space where educators can take the necessary time to reflect deeply on their practices and work for transformative change in their classrooms, schools, and communities.   (continue reading)

Reasons People are Attending #IREL21 This Summer

Upon registration for #IREL21, participants were sent a survey asking why they decided to return this year OR why they are signing up for the first time. Here is what we learned.  (continue reading)

Towards a Practice of Freedom: Previewing this Year’s Institute for Racial Equity in Literacy

When we, Dr. Sonja Cherry-Paul and Tricia Ebarvia, began imagining what IREL could be, we knew we wanted a space where teachers could take the necessary time to reflect deeply on their practices and work for transformative change in their classrooms, schools, and communities.  (continue reading)

Multi-Day Institutes: Making the Case to Attend

Time spent with colleagues in professional development away from school provides numerous benefits. But often, two huge barriers exist: finding funding and making the solid case to attend, telling the story of this kind of experience.  (continue reading)

Curious About this Multi-Day Institute?

This incredible weekend of learning invites us to embrace the inquiry process we wish our students to experience, trying out everything we will ask of them, as we commit to the more engaging and challenging practice of student-directed inquiry.   (continue reading)

Harvey “Smokey” Daniels Previews Upcoming Multi-Day Institute in Santa Fe

Harvey “Smokey” Daniels Previews Upcoming Multi-Day Institute in Santa Fe  (continue reading)

Multi-Day Institute: Teaching With Student Directed Inquiry

Multi-Day Institute: Teaching With Student Directed Inquiry  (continue reading)

Multi-Day Summer Institutes Developed by Irene C. Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell

Multi-Day Summer Institutes Developed by Irene C. Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell  (continue reading)

PLC Series: October Round-Up

October Round-Up of the PLC series.  (continue reading)

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