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Dedicated to Teachers


8 Reinvigorating and Equitable Mathematics Teaching Practices

Considering refreshing your mathematics teaching practices? Try these invigorating and equitable actionable steps from Steve Leinwand and Eric Milou.  (continue reading)

On the Podcast: High School Math Reform

Steve and Eric discuss high school math reform.  (continue reading)

Podcast: Invigorating High School Math with Steven Leinwand and Eric Milou

Is high school math failing students? The way math is taught today hasn’t changed much over the years.  (continue reading)

Podcast: New Pathways for Highschool Math with Steven Leinwand, Eric Milou, and Cathy Seeley

What is a math pathway? Why didn’t we learn financial literacy in high school? And does everyone need to learn calculus?  (continue reading)

8 Excuses That Perpetuate the Status Quo in High School Math

For nearly one hundred years the structure of high school mathematics has changed only a little, not because it is working so well, but because there are powerful forces maintaining the status quo.  (continue reading)

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