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Dedicated to Teachers


Top 3 DON’Ts: Teaching Kids to Write Graphic Novels

A list of the top three things to avoid when teaching kids how to write graphic novels from Eric Hand, coauthor of the new Writing Unit of Study.  (continue reading)

Why Teach Kids to WRITE Graphic Novels?

Three reasons why teaching students to compose graphically is beneficial.  (continue reading)

Helping Kids Dig Deep & Fly High in Graphic Novels, 2-8

Think of the possibilities as graphic novels provide readers who might not be able to tackle higher-levels of text an inroad for high-level thinking work.  (continue reading)

Author and Illustrator Gene Yang on Graphic Novels in the Classroom

Gene Yang was recently featured on NPR's Morning Edition podcast discussing the use of graphic novels in the classroom.  (continue reading)

Heinemann Summer Sessions Week 7: Graphic Novels in the Classroom

Heinemann Summer Sessions Week 7: Graphic Novels in the Classroom  (continue reading)

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