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Dedicated to Teachers


Nancie Atwell's Talk With Teach For All - Live-Tweet Archive

Nancie Atwell's Talk With Teach For All - Live-Tweet Archive  (continue reading)

Grant Assistance: The Global Teacher Prize

Grant Assistance: The Global Teacher Prize  (continue reading)

Nancie Atwell's Interviews with MSNBC, ABC News, People, and The Washington Post

Included are links to Nancie Atwell's Interviews with MSNBC, ABC News, People, and The Washington Post on her Global Teacher Prize.  (continue reading)

Nancie Atwell Shares Thoughts On Current Educational Landscape

Nancie Atwell Shares Thoughts On Current Educational Landscape  (continue reading)

Kylene Beers on Nancie Atwell, Her Hero

Kylene Beers on Nancie Atwell, Her Hero  (continue reading)

Media Round-up for Nancie Atwell's Global Teacher Prize

Media Round-up for Nancie Atwell's Global Teacher Prize  (continue reading)

View Photos of Nancie Atwell's Win at the Global Teacher Prize Ceremony

View Photos of Nancie Atwell's Win at the Global Teacher Prize Ceremony  (continue reading)

View a Storify Tweet Stream of the Global Teacher Prize

View a Storify Tweet Stream of the Global Teacher Prize  (continue reading)

U.S. Senators Collins and King Congratulate Nancie Atwell

U.S. Senators Collins and King Congratulate Nancie Atwell  (continue reading)

Watch Nancie Atwell's Acceptance Speech for the Global Teacher Prize

Watch Nancie Atwell's Acceptance Speech for the Global Teacher Prize  (continue reading)

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