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Dedicated to Teachers


Support for English Learners with The Comprehension Toolkit

The Comprehension Toolkit supports teachers to teach content knowledge and thinking strategies to students who come from varying cultural and linguistic backgrounds and are learning English as a new language.  (continue reading)

5 Tips for Building Community in a Multilingual Literacy Classroom

Five tips for creating a multilingual literacy classroom that not only focuses on language acquisition but also nurtures a supportive and inclusive community.  (continue reading)

How to Boost Fluency and Vocabulary in a Spanish-and-English Speaking Classroom

Five strategies to foster an environment that enhances fluency and expands vocabulary across multiple languages, such as English and Spanish.  (continue reading)

How to Support Multilingual Language Learners in Writing Workshop

Tips to help you adapt your writing workshop to support multilingual language learners.  (continue reading)

How to Support Multilingual Language Learners in Reading Workshop

Tips to help you adapt your reading workshop to support multilingual language learners.  (continue reading)

Building Meaningful Mathematical Thinking for English Language Learners

English language learners improve greatly because they have many opportunities to hear and speak English when there are sense-making supports in the classroom.  (continue reading)

Reflections on Learning: More Support for Multilingual Learners

After the pandemic, there is no reverse for a global community expansion and inevitably, the U.S. culture is in a continuous state of change. Unless teachers are able to understand the diverse needs of their students, it will be difficult if not impossible to teach them effectively.  (continue reading)

Cultivating EL-Inclusive ELA Classrooms by Reading Sound Texts 

Reading sound texts as a class is for all your students looking to build flexible, relevant, and multimodal reading skills in ways that are engaging and practical.  (continue reading)

On the Podcast: Carla España and Luz Yadira Herrera on Centering Bilingual Latinx Students

Today on the podcast we are excited welcome Carla España and Luz Yadira Herrera, authors of En Comunidad: Lessons for Centering the Voices and Experiences of Bilingual Latinx Students.  (continue reading)

What is Translanguaging?

Translanguaging is when a multilingual person’s full linguistic repertoire is used and honored, instead of trying to keep narrowly focused on a single language.  (continue reading)

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