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Dedicated to Teachers


Shared Reading: A Key to Student Engagement and Literacy Development

Shared reading is a powerful instructional practice that bridges the gap between read-aloud sessions and independent reading, creating a joyful and supportive environment for all students.  (continue reading)

Include Queer Students by Skye Tooley

The more we understand and break down our own misconceptions, the more we will be able to create inclusive lessons and a space for ALL learners to flourish.  (continue reading)

Helping Students Move Beyond Binary Thinking in Our Digital Age

...with more and more information coming at students from all angles all the time, there is a growing need to help them process it.  (continue reading)

Teaching Beyond The Re-tweet: Digital Argument Instruction for Real World Literacy

Teaching Beyond The Re-tweet: Digital Argument Instruction for Real World Literacy  (continue reading)

Choosing Effective Tools for Crafting Argument

Choosing Effective Tools for Crafting Argument  (continue reading)

Teaching Argument to Support Meaningful Conversation

Teaching Argument to Support Meaningful Conversation  (continue reading)

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