Topic: Covid_19

Pocast Blog Bomer Arens Podcast blog

What makes for a good writing workshop? The answer is less complicated than you might think.

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Join us for a special online-only audiobook listening party on Sunday, April 5, 2020 at 2:00 PM (EDT).

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Why kindness with grading is warranted during the Coronavirus crisis.

Blog Heinemann COVID19 copyright update FPL 1

These are unprecedented times. The quick shift to remote learning has prompted many questions related to copyright and what permissions we can offer for the use of our resources in closed digital learning environments. Keeping both copyright law and the extraordinary circumstances in mind, we offer the following guidance.

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Schools are closing, and teachers are supporting students remotely. In many cases, we will all be spending more time reading and writing on screen.

Blog Heinemann COVID19 copyright update

We are currently working with our legal team to provide accurate responses, and we are committed to getting you answers in as timely a fashion as possible.

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With schools across the country closing for weeks, possibly months, how do we keep our math learning going for our K-5 students?

Blog Heinemann COVID19

We have been working to put plans in place to best serve and meet your needs, while also ensuring the safety and health of our employees.

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We all want to do the best by our students...So, what can you do immediately to help yourself and your students if your school is ordered to close?

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Lucy Calkins and colleagues discuss the challenges involved with teaching and leading during the coronavirus and answer attendees questions.

Blog PD services and COVID19 1

Due to concerns around the Covid-19 virus, some changes have been made to some PD services.